Hugo Sites

Updated Dec 16, 2024

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Number of sites: 317

Icons.wheniwork.comWhen I Work Icons · WIW Icons0.132.2ProjectWIW Icons
devopsdays.orgdevopsdays0.126.1Eventdevopsdays is a worldwide community conference series for anyone interested in IT improvement.
2022.blackvalley.partyHome — Black Valley0.108.0EventBlack Valley 2022
agriculturaljusticeproject.orgToolkit | AJP Toolkit0.134.1Project, DocumentationWelcome to our toolkit! # The AJP Toolkit collects guidance and resources to help you build a business and workplace that’s fair and accountable to workers, small-scale farmers, and communities. This toolkit began as a set of resources to help farms and ranches meet the AJP’s Food Justice Certification standards, and we are updating and expanding these resources to better help farmworkers, food chain workers, food business employers, nonprofit employers, and all buyers of farm products, regardless of whether you’re pursuing Food Justice Certification. These resources are also of interest to educators, advocacy organizations, and community members working for a more just food system.
airflow.apache.orgApache Airflow0.91.2ProjectPlatform created by the community to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows.
aloralabs.comAlora Labs0.121.0BusinessA Toronto-based product strategy and development agency that lives at the intersection of hardware and digital.
amaze-berlin.deA MAZE. / Berlin 2024 - 13th International Games and Playful Media Festival0.85.0EventInternational Festival focusing on Arthouse Games and Playful Media.
appscode.comAppsCode Inc.0.111.1BusinessAccelerating the transition to Containers by building a Kubernetes-native Data Platform
atishay.meAtishay Jain - Home Page | Atishay Jain0.110.0Blog, CVAtishay Jain home page
azuriom.comAzuriom | Enhance your game server with a complete web solution.0.121.1Azuriom is a complete open-source web solution for game servers. Enjoy dozens of extensions for endless possibilities. Already trusted by over 1,800 servers, cumulating more than two millions users.
backsteinexpressionismus.projektemacher.org0.138.0Blog, Cultural heritageAlte Abbildungen von Backsteinexpressionismus-Gebäuden aus Büchen und von Postkarten.
baileysharborinn.comHistoric Door County Inn Baileys Harbor, WI | Baileys Harbor Schoolhouse Inn0.83.1BusinessBe a part of over 105 years of Baileys Harbor history! Built in 1917 and surrounded by nature, our historic schoolhouse inn is the perfect place to relax, take in the sights, and experience all that Baileys Harbor has to offer.
basicattentiontoken.orgBasic Attention Token0.119.0BusinessA new token to value user attention on the Internet.
bienenkiste.deDie Bienenkiste0.134.1Blog, PersonalBienen halten – einfach und natürlich!
bitbanged.comBitBanged0.112.3Blog, PersonalA blog about Linux, electronics and programming. Game Studios0.88.1Business
blog.albertkuo.meAlbert's Blog0.90.1BlogBlog by Albert Kuo
blog.jbowen.devjbowen.dev0.85.0Personal, BlogThoughts and musings
blog.prskavec.netPrskavčí blog0.131.0BlogNode.JS, Ruby a Go vývojář a SRE. Oraganizátor Go meetupu v Praze.
blog.thul.organdreas michael thul0.111.3Personal, Blogandreas michael thul - musik & technik · The Original Home of the Book of Concord0.92.1NonprofitThe Original Home of the Book of Concord
boutiquehearing.comConcierge Audiology Services in Chicago - Boutique Hearing | Boutique Hearing0.83.1BusinessBoutique Hearing is a concierge audiology service offering hearing evaluations and cutting-edge hearing aid fittings in your home or office.
brunoamaral.euBruno's Notebook0.138.0Personal, BlogCommunication, Creativity, Strategy
brunowollmann.comBruno Wollmann on Networking0.138.0Blog, PersonalBruno Wollmann's blog about Networking
budibase.comBudibase | Build internal tools in minutes, the easy way0.115.1BusinessBudibase is an open source low-code platform and the easiest way to build, automate, and ship internal tools. Check it out. Stories of digital provides stories of digital crafters. It shows people behind bits, pixels and bug reports. is your resource for web development.
buildpacks.ioCloud Native Buildpacks · Cloud Native Buildpacks0.138.0ProjectCloud Native Buildpacks transform your application source code into images that can run on any cloud.
c2pa.orgOverview - C2PA0.82.1NonprofitAn open technical standard providing publishers, creators, and consumers the ability to trace the origin of different types of media.
carsten-nichte.deCarsten Nichte - Fotograf0.121.1Personal, Blog, PhotographyFotografie - Street Portrait Konzeptuell Virtuell | Kunst | HypoMnema.
castarabi.comدليل الكاست و البودكاست العربي على يوتوب — كاست عربي (دليل البودكاست)0.138.0Directory
cdevents.devCDEvents0.89.4Documentation, ProjectA common specification for Continuous Delivery events
cdk8s.iocdk8s0.68.3ProjectDefine Kubernetes apps and components using familiar languages
choco-solver.orgChoco-solver0.124.1Project, DocumentationThe most popular HTML, CSS, and JS library in the world.
christianmahnke.deBlog · Christian Mahnke0.138.0Blog, PersonalPersönliche Homepage von Christian Mahnke
christianoliff.comChristian Oliff0.138.0BlogOnline Adventures of a Front-End Web Developer
climateviewer.comClimateViewer News • Tracking the Climate Changers0.111.3NewsAre You a ClimateViewer? Knowing is half the battle.
cloud-forge.netAccueil0.127.0Businessimpression 3D à Vesoul 70, numérisation 3D à Vesoul 70, rétro-conception à Vesoul 70000, Découpe métalliques à Vesoul 70
cloudevents.ioCloudEvents |0.60.0Project
cloudforet.ioCloudforet | Open Source Multi-cloud Management Platform0.120.4Documentation, ProjectManage multi-cloud environments and your all cloud resources & cost in a single platform that offers support for AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and more.
clusternet.ioClusternet0.82.1Documentation, ProjectClusternet website
cnab.ioCNAB: Cloud Native Application Bundles0.40.3ProjectCloud Native Application Bundles facilitate the bundling, installing and managing of container-native apps — and their coupled services.
cni.devCNI0.76.5Project Photographic Society0.136.1Photography
community.apache.orgApache Community Development - ASF Community Development - Welcome0.111.3NonprofitThe Community Development project creates and provides tools, processes, and advice to help open-source software projects improve their own community health.
conf.archlinux.orgArch Linux0.80.0Event
containerd.iocontainerd – An industry-standard container runtime with an emphasis on simplicity, robustness and portability0.111.3Documentation, ProjectAn industry-standard container runtime with an emphasis on simplicity, robustness, and portability
coredns.ioCoreDNS: DNS and Service Discovery0.85.0Documentation, Project
coreui.ioBootstrap Admin & Dashboard Template · CoreUI0.134.2BusinessLeading open source admin dashboard template used by thousands of developers and Fortune 500s. CoreUI admin panel is built on top of Bootstrap 5. CoreUI Bootstrap Admin Template lets you save thousands of priceless hours because it offers everything you need to create modern, beautiful, and responsive applications.
corhomellc.comHome | CorHome0.74.3BusinessCorHome offers home evaluations, accessibility and modification services to injured workers with disabilities and workers’ compensation carriers nationwide.
covid19sci.orgCOVID-19 National Scientist Volunteer Database0.68.3HealthcareWe have curated a database of scientists from all 50 states, DC, Puerto Rico, and Guam who are eager to volunteer our time, expertise, equipment, and consumables to help YOU respond to the COVID-19 crisis.
covidbahamas.appCOVID Dashboard | COVID-19 API | Bahamas0.85.0HealthcareAccess COVID-19 (Coronavirus) case and vaccination data for The Bahamas from The Ministry of Health & Wellness' COVID-19 Case Reports and COVID-19 Vaccination Updates.
cuelang.orgCUE0.128.2Documentation, ProjectConfigure Unify Execute Validate, define, and use dynamic and text‑based data Learn more Get started with CUE CUE makes it easy to validate data, write schemas, and ensure configurations align with policies. Get started learning about CUE with these links .. Let's begin Introduction Take a tour Language Tour Download and install Install GitHub Infinite possibilities CUE is an open source language, with a rich set of APIs and tooling, for defining, generating, and validating all kinds of data: configuration, APIs, database schemas, code, .
curriculum.codeyourfuture.io0.133.0EducationCYF Courses: Free training for good jobs in tech [📅 2024/25](
darcynorman.netD'Arcy Norman dot net0.138.0Blog, CV, Personal, PhotographyD’Arcy Norman is an educational technology expert and researcher at the University of Calgary, where he contributes extensively to advancing teaching practices and integrating technology within learning environments. With three decades in educational technology, he specializes in blending Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Through his doctoral work, he developed the “Teaching Game” framework, a novel approach that adapts video game design methods to enrich course design and deepen understanding of teaching and learning dynamics. His research is guided by the belief that teaching and learning are collaborative, immersive processes, shaped by technological and social interactions. Investment Network · Brand Guidelines0.126.1BusinessBrand Guidelines for the Angel Investment Network brand. Connecting business entrepreneurs with Angel Investors. Find an Investor for your business, or access a network of investment opportunities.
designden.usWebsite Design | Wyalusing, Towanda, and Tunkhannock PA0.96.0BusinessProviding SEO, and performance optimized static websites at affordable rates for local organizations and small businesses. Let us help you promote your business with a new website to sell your hand-crafted items or services
devdocs.prestashop-project.orgPrestaShop Developer Documentation0.121.1Project, DocumentationLearn how to extend, modify and test PrestaShop, create modules, themes, and more.
developer.gettyimages.comGetty Images API | Documentation, SDK & Sample Code | Getty Images API0.92.1Business, DocumentationDeveloper resources for the Getty Images API including SDK, documentation, release notes, status, notifications and sample code.
developer.gimp.orgGIMP Developer - GIMP Development0.131.0Documentation, Project
developers.whmcs.comWHMCS Developer Documentation0.17Business, DocumentationWHMCS developer documentation - themes, modules, hooks, oauth, api and more...
developers.xsolla.comXsolla Documentation - Explore our guides and references.0.117.0Business, DocumentationFollow our developer documentation to integrate Xsolla products step-by-step or customize your solution with our APIs.
dexidp.io0.124.1ProjectFederate Identity Provider
dgraph.ioDgraph Cloud - Cloud0.91.0Business, Documentation
diapraesentation.projektemacher.orgDiapräsentation0.138.0Blog, ProjectDiaprojektor statt PowerPoint docs0.127.0Business, DocumentationAgilebase documentation Learn More Main Website Agilebase is a no-code platform for CRM systems and other back office applications Agilebase works across the three phases of an organization's development; startup, scaleup and growth. Why no code? “The burgeoning low-code/no-code market is exploding with innovation, driving unprecedented value for customers while confusing industry analysts.” Jason Bloomberg, Forbes What can be built? We’ve customers across a wide range of industries, of very different sizes.
docs.bitnami.comBitnami Documentation0.80.0Business, Documentation
docs.crossplane.iomap[dest:/v1.18/]0.119.0Documentation, Project
docs.datadoghq.comDatadog Docs0.126.0Business, DocumentationDatadog, the leading service for cloud-scale monitoring.
docs.gomplate.cagomplate - gomplate documentation0.128.0Documentation, Project
docs.pachyderm.comPachyderm Docs0.127.0Documentation, Business
docs.redis.comRedis products | Docs0.111.2Business, DocumentationOperate any Redis, from Redis Enterprise to Redis Cloud
dubbo.apache.orgApache Dubbo0.134.2Project, DocumentationA Cloud-Native Microservice Framework Build apps with built-in rpc, traffic management, security, observability support that can deploy on kubernetes and vm.
etcd.ioetcd0.138.0Documentation, ProjectA distributed, reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system Learn more Quickstart What is etcd? etcd is a strongly consistent, distributed key-value store that provides a reliable way to store data that needs to be accessed by a distributed system or cluster of machines. It gracefully handles leader elections during network partitions and can tolerate machine failure, even in the leader node. Learn more
evawilhelm.deEva Wilhelm0.121.1BusinessSystemisch-körperorientierte Beratung für Frauen
falco.orgFalco0.108.0Documentation, ProjectRuntime Security
fission.ioFission0.134.2Documentation, ProjectFast Opensource Kubernetes Serverless Framework
fluxcd.ioFlux0.122.0Documentation, ProjectFlux is a set of continuous and progressive delivery solutions for Kubernetes, and they are open and extensible. The APIs of Flux are stable now.
forkful.aiForkful Open Source Coding Cookbook0.121.0EducationFilled with code examples that you can use or change a little bit to fit what you need: written in Python, Rust, and 24 other programming languages.
freshcoastfilm.comFresh Coast Film Festival • October 16-19, Marquette, Michigan0.134.3EventA documentary film festival celebrating the outdoor lifestyle, water-rich environment and resilient spirit of the Great Lakes and Upper Midwest.
galaxiesofeden.comGalaxies of Eden - The Ultimate AI-Driven Sandbox MMORPG0.115.4BusinessGalaxies of Eden is the ultimate sandbox MMORPG. Create your avatar, adventure, craft, build and socialize with your friends in this virtual universe.
geoff.sowrey.orgThe Observer's Log0.131.0Personal, BlogWhere you will find my (documented) thoughts, worries, concerns, and issues
gethue.comHue - The open source SQL Assistant for Data Warehouses0.62.0Project
ghost.orgGhost: The best open source blog & newsletter platform0.119.0BusinessBeautiful, modern publishing with email newsletters and paid subscriptions built-in. Used by Platformer, 404Media, Lever News, Tangle, The Browser, and thousands more.
glossary.cncf.ioCloud Native Glossary0.122.0DocumentationThe CNCF Cloud Native Glossary Project is intended to be used as a reference for common terms used when talking about cloud native applications.
goharbor.ioHarbor0.74.0Documentation, ProjectOur mission is to be the trusted cloud native repository for Kubernetes
gomakethings.comGo Make Things0.54.0BusinessA simpler, more resilient way to make things for the web.
gowebexamples.comGo Web Examples - Learn Web Programming in Go by Examples0.55.6Business, Education
grafana.comGrafana: The open observability platform | Grafana Labs0.121.2BusinessGrafana is the open source analytics & monitoring solution for every database.
graphviz.orgGraphviz0.134.2Documentation, ProjectPlease join the Graphviz forum to ask questions and discuss Graphviz. What is Graphviz? Graphviz is open source graph visualization software. Graph visualization is a way of representing structural information as diagrams of abstract graphs and networks. It has important applications in networking, bioinformatics, software engineering, database and web design, machine learning, and in visual interfaces for other technical domains.
grass.osgeo.org0.113.0Project, DocumentationGRASS GIS is a powerful engine for raster, vector, and geospatial processing, enabling advanced modeling, data management, imagery processing, and time series analysis with a Python API, optimized for large-scale analysis.
grpc.iogRPC0.99.1Business, DocumentationA high-performance, open source universal RPC framework
haesslicheplastiktiereundzeugs.projektemacher.orgHässliche Plastiktiere und Zeugs0.138.0BlogFotodokumentaion über Tierparaden
handbook.giantswarm.ioGiant Swarm Handbook0.121.0Documentation
hapticmedia.comOur blog0.115.1Blog, BusinessAccess the latest business knowledge in 3D Product Configuration, Customer Engagement Technology, Mass Customization, Marketing, Luxury, Business Management and more.
harrycresswell.comHarry Cresswell · Design and front-end web development0.126.1Blog, BusinessHarry Cresswell is a professional Front-end web developer based in London, England. Read technical articles and notes on design and code.
heffernanutilities.comTrusted multi utility service provider – Heffernan Utilities0.126.1BusinessTrusted multi-utility contractor. - Delivering end to end multi-utility solutions for commercial, industrial and residential developments across the country.
helm.shHelm0.138.0ProjectHelm - The Kubernetes Package Manager.
help.ampio.comAmpio - Knowledge Base0.87.0Business, Documentation
help.bolt.comBolt Merchant Help0.109.0BusinessDocumentation Bolt Checkout
helpful.wikiHome | helpful.wiki0.102.3Personal, BlogA place to learn something new
heritagebakeshoppe.comHeritage Bake Shoppe0.80.0BusinessThe place to get delicious sandwiches, fresh baked goods, healthy bulk foods, coffee, and grill seasonings
histoire.gallois.infoAccueil0.123.7Blog, Personal
hugegraph.apache.orgHugeGraph0.102.3Documentation, ProjectApache HugeGraph site
in-toto.ioin-toto | A framework to secure the integrity of software supply chains0.111.3Project
inclusivenaming.orgInclusive Naming Initiative0.111.3Nonprofit
insightcreative.comAdvertising Agency in Green Bay, WI | Insight Creative, Inc.0.83.1BusinessBring Communication with substance to your brand! Our marketing experts deliver complete strategic & creative content, web, digital, media, design, PR & more.
intelops.aiCapten0.127.0BusinessDemocratizing Technology. Making Imagination a Reality.
istio.ioIstio0.133.0ProjectA service mesh for observability, security in depth, and management that speeds deployment cycles.
jadelsbach.deJan Adelsbach0.131.0Blog, CV, Personal, PhotographyWebsite of Jan Adelsbach
jameskiefer.comJames Kiefer0.105.0Personal, Blog
javaalmanac.ioThe Java Version Almanac - javaalmanac.io0.128.1ProjectSystematic collection of information about the history and the future of Java.
jdbc.postgresql.orgHome | pgJDBC0.126.1Project
jenkins-x.ioJenkins X - Cloud Native CI/CD Built On Kubernetes0.101.0Documentation, ProjectDocumentation, guides and support for Jenkins X
jmmv.devJulio Merino (, PersonalJulio Merino’s personal website.
jvmperf.netjvmperf: Java Performance Workshop0.120.4ProjectJava performance workshop that leverages open-source tooling to discover how your JVM is performing.
kaiser.galleryNico Kaiser0.138.0Business, PhotographyCapturing moments, music, people and events
keda.shKEDA | Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling0.93.2ProjectApplication autoscaling made simple
kinderbücher.projektemacher.orgKinderbücher0.138.0Blog, Cultural heritageAlte, schöne und fragwürdige Kinderbücher
knopehvac.comHeating and Cooling Experts in Shawano, WI | Knope Heating & Air Conditioning0.83.1BusinessKnope Heating & Air Conditioning—experts in commercial & residential HVAC, geothermal heating, cooling, ventilation & Carrier equipment in Shawano, Wisconsin.
kopia.ioKopia0.113.0Project, DocumentationFast and Secure Open-Source Backup Software for Windows, Mac, and Linux
krähenbeisser.deKrähenbeißer0.138.0Blog, Cultural heritageHistorische Abbildungen von Krähenbeißern
krustlet.devKrustlet0.58.3Documentation, ProjectKubernetes Kubelet in Rust for running WASM
kube-vip.ioDocumentation | kube-vip0.88.1Documentation, Project
kubesphere.ioOpen Source Enterprise Kubernetes Platform | KubeSphere0.127.0Project, DocumentationAn open source Kubernetes Platform to manage enterprise-grade Kubernetes across hybrid cloud, multi-cloud and edge. Get started for free!
laurakalbag.comLaura Kalbag0.78.0Blog, PersonalHello! I’m a friendly designer originally from the UK, now living in Ireland. You’ll usually find me talking about rights-respecting design, accessibility and inclusivity, privacy, web design and development.
leap.seLEAP0.134.2LEAP Encryption Access Project
learn.arm.comHome | Arm Learning Paths0.130.0Business, DocumentationTutorials with code examples, created by the Arm ecosystem to develop better code faster across all platforms: Servers, phones, laptops, embedded devices, and microcontrollers.
linkerd.ioThe world's most advanced service mesh | Linkerd0.136.5ProjectLinkerd adds critical security, observability, and reliability to your Kubernetes stack, without any code changes.
locallondon.lifeLocal London · A directory of London based food and drink makers. Support your community by shopping local and sustainably.0.126.1NonprofitA directory of London based food and drink makers. Support your community by shopping local and sustainably.
longhorn.ioLonghorn0.65.3ProjectCloud native distributed block storage for Kubernetes
luraproject.orgThe Lura Project0.98.0ProjectAn extendable, simple and **stateless high-performance API Gateway framework** designed for both cloud-native and on-prem setups📺M3UPT🇵🇹0.138.0ProjectLista de IPTV em formato M3U com canais de 📺 TV e estações de 📻 rádio em 🇵🇹 Português. Apenas com streams públicos e oficiais.
magicalroastcoffee.comMagical Roast Coffee0.85.0Business
mailcow.emailmailcow: dockerized - Blog0.138.0ProjectThe mailserver suite with the 'moo' – 🐮 + 🐋 = 💕 | Official Blog Page
mapping-crimes-against-rohingya.amnesty.orgMapping Myanmar’s Atrocities Against Rohingya0.40.3Project, NonprofitThis new platform created by Amnesty International and SITU Research visualizes how Myanmar’s military committed crimes against humanity against the Rohingya population in northern Rakhine State since 25 August 2017.
mariothomas.comMario Thomas0.124.1Blog, PersonalChartered Director and Fellow of the Institute of Directors. Head of Global Training and Press Spokesperson at Amazon Web Services.
millcreekindustrial.comMill Creek Industrial - Welding & Fabrication - Wyalusing, PA0.107.0BusinessLooking for a reliable welding service in Northeast PA? Mill Creek Industrial offers top-notch metal fabrication, structural steel, piping fabrication, and installation. From custom gates and railings to field services and pipe welding, we've got you covered. Check out our recent projects and share your experience with us. Contact us today for all your welding and fabrication needs.
mobile-platform.leroymerlin.frMobile Platform | Build your own mobile platform0.58.3ProjectBuild your own mobile platform
monal-im.orgMonal0.138.0ProjectMonal IM -
monkiprojects.comHome | Monki Projects0.82.0ProjectMaking apps and tools for the parkour — an urban sport — community.
mood.harrycresswell.comMood0.92.2Photography, PersonalA moodboard of graphic inspiration.
moodlebox.netMoodleBox0.136.0NonprofitMoodleBox is a standalone small and cheap mobile device working without Internet. It combines a wireless access point with a full featured Moodle server.
moonbooth.comHugo static site tutorials | SEO for Hugo websites0.122.0Business, BlogI'm an SEO professional and a Hugo developer. I feel this combination has lead to some unique insights, which I share here. – Cloud Native, Open Source, High-performance Messaging0.80.0ProjectNATS is a connective technology powering modern distributed systems, unifying Cloud, On-Premise, Edge, and IoT.
nobainternational.comExecutive Search and Market Intelligence Specialists – Noba International0.126.1BusinessNoba International is an Executive Search and Consulting firm. Headquartered in London, with a truly international customer base and reach, we help our clients to select and hire outstanding leaders – from Director through to C-suite level. - Noba International is an Executive Search and Consulting firm. Headquartered in London, we help our global clients to search for, select and hire outstanding leaders – from Director through to C-suite level.
nodefactory.ioNodeFactory - Blockchain research and development company0.58.3BusinessTurning ideas into reliable products.
not-a-number.ioNot a Number0.128.0Blog, PersonalWelcome to my unique repository of divergent sequences of random characters. Here, you may contemplate the endless variations of 26 letters and some special characters.
novendecameron.ramures.orgLe Novendécaméron — Ramures0.85.0Project
nozbe.comNozbe - best project management and collaboration tool0.80.0BusinessBest personal and team productivity collaboration tool for smart business owners. Use Nozbe - task management software and increase productivity.
nutspubcrawl.comNuts Pub Crawls London0.30.2BusinessWhat is a London pub crawl?
ocrs.onlineThe Online Centre for Religious Studies0.65.3NonprofitThe OCRS is dedicated to promoting and facilitating the academic study of religion for a wide and diverse audience - that means you!
ocul.on.caHistorical Topographic Map Digitization Project0.110.0Project
opencolorio.orgOpenColorIO0.111.3ProjectOpen Source Color Management
opencontainers.orgOpen Container Initiative - Open Container Initiative0.115.1Nonprofit
opencoreventures.comHome | Open Core Ventures0.116.1BusinessFounded by Sid Sijbrandij, Open Core Ventures (OCV) is a venture capital firm that starts commercial open source software companies. Our team identifies open source software projects with traction, recruits passionate project founders and contributors, and launches companies together. OCV companies aim to create tangible value for the open source community by providing access to resources and reducing the barrier to entrepreneurship.
openmetrics.ioThe OpenMetrics project — Creating a standard for exposing metrics data0.46Project
openpowerfoundation.orgHome - OpenPOWER Foundation0.111.3Nonprofit
openservicemesh.ioOpen Service Mesh0.58.3Documentation, ProjectOpen Service Mesh (OSM) is a lightweight, extensible, Cloud Native service mesh
opentelemetry.ioOpenTelemetry0.138.0Documentation, ProjectHigh-quality, ubiquitous, and portable telemetry to enable effective observability
ortelius.ioOrtelius0.111.0Documentation, ProjectWelcome to the Ortelius Open Source Project Site
osqa-ask.wireshark.orgWireshark Q&A0.81.0Nonprofit | The UK Outdoor Activities Guide0.134.2NonprofitWant a REAL Outdoor Adventure? We Handpick and List Quality Outdoor Activities in the UK. Find Something to do Near You.
papercut.comPrint Management that just works | PaperCut0.128.1
patchxr.comPatchXR - Sound of the Metaverse0.119.0BusinessJam, create, connect. Solo or multiplayer, PatchWorld is the platform for audio/visual expression in VR/XR. See you there! 🎶🍓🕶️🚀🌐
pgealerts.alerts.pge.comPG&E Outage Center0.111.3Business
photos.sowrey.orgOne Thousand Words: Photos by Geoff Sowrey0.138.0Personal, PhotographyPhotography by Geoff Sowrey
phxlabs.caPhoenix Labs0.85.0BusinessOur worlds empower players to share enduring stories like never before.
pictoselector.euWelcome | Picto-Selector0.109.0ProjectPicto-Selector is a windows application for creating visual schedules. Picto-Selector is free, so everyone can start using visual schedules. THT • As melhores portas blindadas de segurança0.126.0BusinessA melhor Porta Blindada de Segurança reforçada com proteção anti-arrombamento, melhor preço, custo-benefício e pronta entrega no Brasil.
porter.shPorter0.117.0ProjectA Friendly Cloud Installer for Cloud Native Application Bundles
postgis.netPostGIS0.97.3Documentation, Project, Blog
profiles-help.yougov.comCrunch | Feature Announcements0.84.3BusinessWhat's new and exciting in Profiles
prql-lang.orgPRQL0.136.5ProjectPRQL is a modern language for transforming data
purelb.gitlab.ioPureLB :: PureLB0.80.0Documentation, ProjectPureLB is a lightweight Kubernetes Service LoadBalancer for non-cloud deployments. It provides external access to your application, using Linux networking to add addresses to Network Interface Cards (enabling access from the local network) or to virtual interfaces (so the address can be distributed to routers).
pypyr.iotask-runner for automation pipelines defined in yaml0.126.1Documentation, Projectpypyr is a task-runner CLI & API with straightforward yaml pipelines. Free & open-source. Agentless task automation.
qdrant.techQdrant - Vector Database - Qdrant0.123.0Business, DocumentationQdrant is an Open-Source Vector Database and Vector Search Engine written in Rust. It provides fast and scalable vector similarity search service with convenient API.
quickpay.netQuickpay | Payment Service Provider0.118.2BusinessAccept payments online with Quickpay. Get started in just a few minutes with our secure and flexible payment solutions.
rclone.orgRclone0.127.0ProjectRclone syncs your files to cloud storage: Google Drive, S3, Swift, Dropbox, Google Cloud Storage, Azure, Box and many more.
rebekkawrites.comRebekka Writes · Words for the web.0.126.1Blog, PersonalRebekka writes words for the web.
recomedicales.frPrint0.138.0HealthcareLes dernières recommandations médicales de prise en charge pour la pratique en médecine générale. Bilan de première intention, arbre décisionnel et scores
schriftmuster.projektemacher.org0.138.0Blog, Cultural heritageSpecimens of old typefaces from catalogues for printers and from documents
scientific-python.orgScientific Python -0.134.3Documentation, ProjectSPECs Scientific Python Ecosystem Coordination documents are a mechanism by which practices are discussed and propagated throughout the ecosystem. Summits At the summits, we get together both virtually and in-person to plan and do ecosystem work. Development Guide Read this community-maintained guide to learn best practices for library development. Lecture Notes Learn or teach how to use the scientific Python ecosystem with classroom-style lecture notes. Sparse Arrays One of our current focuses is on improving and maintaining the sparse array capabilities and interoperability in the ecosystem. Community Our community efforts focus on broadening participation and better coordinating volunteer efforts.
scipy.orgSciPy -0.132.2ProjectFundamental algorithms SciPy provides algorithms for optimization, integration, interpolation, eigenvalue problems, algebraic equations, differential equations, statistics and many other classes of problems. Broadly applicable The algorithms and data structures provided by SciPy are broadly applicable across domains. Foundational Extends NumPy providing additional tools for array computing and provides specialized data structures, such as sparse matrices and k-dimensional trees. Performant SciPy wraps highly-optimized implementations written in low-level languages like Fortran, C, and C++.
sdk.operatorframework.ioOperator SDK0.73.0Documentation, ProjectGo, Ansible, or Helm SDK to simplify the implementation of the operator pattern
seananderson.caseananderson.ca0.36.1Blog, Personal, CV
serialized.netJosh Barratt's Blog0.106.0Blog, Personal
shardingsphere.apache.orgOverview :: ShardingSphere0.83.1Documentation, ProjectApache ShardingSphere Document
shipwright.ioShipwright0.113.0Documentation, ProjectA framework for building container images on Kubernetes
shockwave.orgShockwave Foundation - Shockwave Foundation0.134.2NonprofitThe Shockwave Foundation for Climate Adaptation and Resilience funds projects and programs to help communities adapt, survive, and thrive in the face of climate change.
simon.heimlicher.comSimon Heimlicher0.121.2Blog, ProfessionalSimon Heimlicher – a passionate leader who writes about leadership, organizational transformation and technology
skia.orgSkia0.91.0Project2D Graphics Library
smi-spec.ioSMI | A standard interface for service meshes on Kubernetes0.67.0ProjectA standard interface for service meshes on Kubernetes
snicoll.beStéphane Nicoll | Stéphane Nicoll0.131.0Personal, BlogSoftware Engineer. International Conference Speaker. Spring Framework & Spring Boot Team Member.
soen.oneSoen One0.122.0Personal, PodcastSoen One is a unique trance, dance, and house DJ based in the UK. His podcast 'Sinewave Radio' is enjoyed by thousands of listeners worldwide. Bookings available.
softorage.comSoftorage · The Software Directory.0.135.0ProjectYour private software guide. Find reliable info, compare features, discover alternatives. No sales pitch, just facts.
sos.devSOS Rewards0.86.1Project
sourcehut.orgsourcehut - the hacker's forge0.134.2Businesssourcehut is a network of useful open source tools for software project maintainers and collaborators, including git repos, bug tracking, continuous integration, and mailing lists.
spiffe.ioSPIFFE – Secure Production Identity Framework for Everyone0.68.3Documentation, Project
spinnaker.ioSpinnaker0.74.2Documentation, ProjectMulti-cloud continuous delivery for the enterprise
sqlitebrowser.orgDB Browser for SQLite0.111.3Project, PersonalNetwork Defender, developer, speaker, writer, author of O’Reilly’s Intelligence Driven Incident Response, & SANS instructor. Bad guy catcher.
statsbylopez.netlify.appStatsbylopez0.37Personal, CV, BlogSr. Director of Football Data and Analytics Submariner k8s project documentation website0.71.0Documentation, ProjectDocumentation website for the Submariner project
tech.gsa.govHome — Tech at GSA0.125.0Government
tekton.devTekton0.107.0Documentation, ProjectCloud Native CI/CD
telos.kitchenTelos Kitchen0.85.0BusinessWe are a global team focused on block production and innovation on Telos. We operate on bare metal servers located in New York City.
thanos.ioThanos - Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities0.101.0Documentation, ProjectThanos - Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities
theupdateframework.ioTUF0.133.0Documentation, ProjectA framework for securing software update systems
tikv.orgTiKV | TiKV is a highly scalable, low latency, and easy to use <br/> key-value database.0.66.0Documentation, ProjectTiKV is a highly scalable, low latency, and easy to use key-value database.
timothyhyndman.comTimothy Hyndman0.92.2CV
tinkerbell.orgTinkerbell0.120.4ProjectDesigned for scalable provisioning of physical hardware, Tinkerbell is both open-source and cloud native. Contributed to the CNCF by Equinix Metal.
todogroup.orgTODO Group // Talk openly, develop openly0.126.1NonprofitThis file is used to pass params to the index/home.
trunkbaseddevelopment.comIntroduction0.85.0DocumentationA portal on this practice umoci0.85.0Documentation, ProjectDocumentation for umoci -- a tool for modifying OCI images.
verity.gumgum.comVerity-Portal0.94.2Business, ProjectVerity portal application
vintagereality.projektemacher.org0.138.0Entertainment, Cultural heritage'Virtuelle Realität' im späten 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert
virtual-kubelet.ioVirtual Kubelet | Home0.55.0Documentation, ProjectVirtual Kubelet is an open-source Kubernetes kubelet implementation that masquerades as a kubelet
vitess.ioVitess | Scalable. Reliable. MySQL-compatible. Cloud-native. Database.0.96.0Documentation, Project
vms.taps.anl.govVehicle & Mobility Systems Department - Argonne National Laboratory0.124.0GovernmentThis page contains information about the Vehicle and Mobility Systems Department at Argonne National Laboratory and its variety of vehicle and mobility systems research and tools to create a sustainable transportation future.
vorsatzpapier.projektemacher.org0.138.0Blog, Cultural heritageOld endpapers and wallpapers
wetlandscapes.comWetlandscapes0.64.0Blog, Personal
whatmakeart.comWhat Make Art0.120.4EducationWhatmakeart how to make art tutorials
wmrra.comWashington Motorcycle Road Racing Association0.138.0Association
www.aa9pw.comAA9PW.com0.104.1EducationAmateur Radio Exam & Morse Code Practice
www.andrewconnell.comAndrew Connell | Microsoft MVP0.136.4Personal, BlogI help web developers become experts in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, so they can become irreplaceable in their organization.
www.andrewsfasteners.ukAndrews Fasteners Ltd - UKCA & CE Marked Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Fasteners and Fixings0.135.0BusinessAndrews Fasteners supply UKCA & CE Marked Structural (construction) bolts, nuts, washers, assemblies to BS EN 15048-1 and BS EN 14399-2. Quality Fasteners and Fixings from ISO 9001 & NHSS 3 approved company. - Instalacje sanitarne, wodno-kanalizacyjne, gazowe, centralne ogrzewanie, kolektory słoneczne, kondensacja, pompy ciepła, kotłownie, systemy nawadniania.0.135.0BusinessStrona główna
www.arin.netAmerican Registry for Internet Numbers0.121.0NonprofitARIN is a nonprofit, member-based organization that administers IP addresses & ASNs in support of the operation and growth of the Internet.
www.atozmachine.comCNC machine shop in Northeast Wisconsin | A to Z Machine0.83.1BusinessA to Z Machine of Appleton is a leading source for quality CNC and precision machining, welding, fabrication and contract manufacturing in Northeast Wisconsin.
www.benstrawbridge.comBen Strawbridge Dot Com Consulting0.138.0Blog, BusinessDot Com Consulting
www.bradbice.comHome - bradbice.com0.133.0Blog, PersonalOnline home of Brad Bice - Web designer, CSS writer, After hours blog author
www.bypasscensorship.orgBypassCensorship0.126.0NonprofitMillions of people are affected by online censorship across the globe, and the numbers continue to rise. We find and promote tools that provide Internet access to …
www.callvoip.nlCallvoip - Succes begint met slimme telefonie | Callvoip0.67.1BusinessCallvoip is de zakelijke telefonieprovider in Nederland. Bespaar op je telefonie met de modernste oplossingen van Callvoip.
www.cel.comHome - CEL0.99.1BusinessCalifornia Eastern Laboratories
www.copetti.orgThe Copetti site | Rodrigo Copetti0.136.5Blog, Personal
www.covidshield.appCOVID Shield0.74.3HealthcareCOVID Shield is a free exposure notification solution built with privacy as its top priority.
www.crossref.orgYou are Crossref - Crossref0.125.4NonprofitCrossref runs open infrastructure to link research objects, entities, and actions, creating a lasting and reusable scholarly record. As a not-for-profit with over 20,000 members in 160 countries, we drive metadata exchange and support nearly 2 billion monthly API queries, facilitating global research communication.
www.datadoghq.comCloud Monitoring as a Service | Datadog0.136.5BusinessSee metrics from all of your apps, tools & services in one place with Datadog's cloud monitoring as a service solution. Try it for free. – Nutze Dein Recht auf Datenschutz.0.88.1NonprofitDank der DSGVO hast Du viele Datenschutz-Rechte. Wir wollen Dir helfen, diese zu nutzen. Stelle DSGVO-Anfragen an zahlreiche Unternehmen und lerne mehr über die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung und Datenschutz.
www.davie.caMore than a shipbuilder | Davie0.126.0BusinessWith pioneering excellence spanning two centuries, Davie is an integral part of Canada’s rich maritime heritage and its bright future. News All news November 13, 2024   |   Media Releases Davie Will Be a Key Industry Partner in Trilateral Icebreaker Collaboration Effort Read more September 16, 2024   |   Media Releases Minister Duclos announces new investments in the National Shipbuilding Strategy at the Naval Quebec Annual Conference Read more July 29, 2024   |   Media Releases Davie intends to create U.
www.deroos-swaap.nlde Roos Swaap woningstyling0.126.0Businessde Roos Swaap is het perfecte styling bureau voor een optimale en vooral sfeervolle inrichting van uw woning. Woningen tot een thuis maken is een grote passie van ons en blijkt tevens een groot voordeel bij de verkoop van uw woning. Mocht u nieuwsgierig zijn naar de mogelijkheden dan wordt er een persoonlijk gesprek in de betreffende woning ingepland en zullen alle wensen worden besproken. Diensten Verkoopstyling Aantrekkelijke woningen verkopen doorgaans snel, lege woningen of wat minder sfeervolle woningen staan langer te koop.
www.docsy.devDocsy0.138.0Project, DocumentationA Hugo theme for creating great technical documentation sites
www.documentfoundation.orgThe Document Foundation - The House of LibreOffice and Document Liberation Project — The Document Foundation0.111.3NonprofitLibreOffice is a free office suite
www.donnaforte.nlDonnaforte - Fotografie0.110.0BusinessOver De avond voordat de tumor uit m’n borst verwijderd zou worden, bedacht ik dat ik graag een mooie foto van m’n borsten had willen laten maken… Ik, Helene de Roos, ben fotograaf en inmiddels hersteld van de behandelingen tegen borstkanker. Tussen het slechte nieuws en de operatie of de chemo zit weinig tijd en komt er veel op je af. Toch denk ik dat het fijn is om in die onrustige periode een mooi portret van jezelf te laten maken.
www.ecpwi.comElectric City Properties – space options in Kaukauna, WI | Electric City Properties0.105.0BusinessOffering innovative, flexible and cost-efficient office space options for your growing business, in the heart of the Fox Valley.
www.eliostruyf.comElio Struyf | GitHub Star | M365 Development, Developer Technologies MVP | Google Developer Expert0.111.3Personal, BlogAzure / Microsoft 365 / Visual Studio Code / Speaker / Blogger
www.floritegutter.comFloRite Gutter | Seamless Gutter Professionals0.85.0BusinessFlorite Gutter specializes in installing residential and commercial seamless gutters for the Batesville, and Newport AR and surrounding areas
www.german-outdoors.deGerman Outdoors - Outdoor Community - German-Outdoors0.133.0BusinessUnsere Community bietet dir eine Plattform, um deine Freizeitaktivitäten im Outdoor-Bereich zu teilen, zu planen und zu optimieren. Auf unserer Plattform kannst du dich mit Gleichgesinnten über deine liebsten Outdoor-Aktivitäten austauschen. Unsere Apps helfen dir dabei, deine Abenteuer zu planen und deine Ausrüstung zu optimieren.
www.gnuradio.orgGNU Radio0.124.1Project
www.gomeetupprague.czGo Meetup Prague0.128.2Event
www.greiberheating.comHeating and Cooling Experts in Waunakee, WI | Greiber Heating & Sheet Metal0.83.1BusinessGreiber Heating & Sheet Metal offers residential HVAC repair, furnace, air conditioning or cooling service plus quality Carrier equipment in Waunakee, Wisconsin
www.hasecke.comWerbetexter für Agenturen und Unternehmen | hasecke.com0.126.1BusinessEine Marke, ein Claim, eine Metapher. Worte prägen unser Denken und lenken unsere Emotionen. Ihre Macht ist groß. Sie entscheiden über Erfolg oder Misserfolg. Welcome to Infinite Ink0.122.0Blog, Personal
www.inbeat.coinBeat Influencer Database | Search TikTok and Instagram Influencers0.69.0BusinessSearch and find TikTok and Instagram influencers in our spam-checked influencer database. Use our tools to search, vet and track your influencer marketing campaigns.
www.isc.orgISC - ISC0.121.1NonprofitOpen source software information, blogs, events, downloads and support
www.jaegertracing.ioJaeger: open source, distributed tracing platform0.123.6Documentation, ProjectMonitor and troubleshoot workflows in complex distributed systems
www.kicad.orgKiCad EDA - Schematic Capture & PCB Design Software0.106.0ProjectA Cross Platform and Open Source Electronics Design Automation Suite
www.kubeflow.orgKubeflow0.124.1Documentation, ProjectKubeflow makes deployment of ML Workflows on Kubernetes straightforward and automated
www.lcojlaw.comLaw Firm in Green Bay, WI | Law Firm of Conway, Olejniczak & Jerry, S.C.0.128.1BusinessWe help clients throughout Northeast Wisconsin solve a variety of legal challenges. At the Law Firm of Conway, Olejniczak & Jerry, S.C., we believe partnerships are the key to success. True collaboration with our clients, including an ongoing exchange of ideas, is the best way to produce the best results.
www.leighhack.orgLeigh Hackspace - Welcome!0.124.1ProjectLeigh Hackspace is a hackspace located in the north-west of England.
www.linuxboot.org0.116.1ProjectLinux as Firmware Tired of reinventing the wheel by implementing drivers for firmware again and again? Not with LinuxBoot! What? LinuxBoot is a firmware for modern servers that replaces specific firmware functionality like the UEFI DXE phase with a Linux kernel and runtime. It started as NERF in January 2017 at Google. LinuxBoot is a Linux Foundation project and as such has a technical charter. Why? Improves boot reliability by replacing lightly-tested firmware drivers with hardened Linux drivers.
www.maistra.comHotels, resorts and camps - Rovinj, Vrsar, Dubrovnik, Zagreb | Maistra0.121.2BusinessMaistra offers you the best selection of hotels, resorts and campsites in Rovinj, Vrsar, Dubrovnik and Zagreb. Start your dream vacation and book online.
www.marcogriep.deMarco Griep - IT-Berater & Softwareentwickler0.133.0BusinessSoftwareentwicklung & Managed Software aus einer Hand: Ich übernehme die Verantwortung für den gesamten Entwicklungsprozess.
www.martijnroelandse.devMartijn Roelandse0.126.0Personal, CVSite description
www.matthewstire.comTires in Appleton, WI | Matthews Tire0.128.1BusinessMatthews Tire is your trusted auto shop for high-quality customer service, automotive repairs and tires in Appleton, WI.
www.myprivatevillas.comMy Private Villas - Luxury holiday villa rentals0.125.4BusinessMy Private Villas offers the finest in luxury retreats. Live your dream holiday in our exclusive luxury villas and chalets. Take a tour.
www.nabig.deNachhaltiges Bauen in Ghana e. V.0.134.1NonprofitUnser interdisziplinär-interkulturelles Team setzt sich für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung im Baubereich in Ghana ein.
www.navidrome.orgNavidrome0.121.1Documentation, ProjectPersonal Music Streamer
www.ntp.orgWelcome to the home of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) Project.0.83.1ProjectThe NTP Project conducts Research and Development in NTP, a protocol designed to synchronize the clocks of computers over a network to a common timebase.
www.opencue.ioOpenCue0.63.2Documentation, ProjectOpenCue is an open source render management system.
www.openpolicyagent.orgOpen Policy Agent0.113.0Documentation, ProjectPolicy-based control for cloud native environments
www.overmind-studios.deOvermind Studios | VFX | 3D | Animation | VR | Motion Graphics0.136.5BusinessOvermind Studios balonem z L.A.R. PARAPLAN Agnieszka Sulewska – Loty balonem, widokowe, reklamowe, ekspozycje, na uwięzi, nocne pokazy, eventy, happeningi, sprzedaż balonów, mini balony.0.135.0BusinessJesteśmy firmą lotniczo-reklamową oferującą loty widokowe balonem oraz inne usługi z wykorzystaniem statków powietrznych jakim jest balon na ogrzane powietrze. Firma powstała w lipcu 1997 roku i od początku swojej działalności organizuje przewozy osób w kraju i za granicą, przy użyciu balonu na ogrzane powietrze. Oferujemy loty widokowe loty reklamowe ekspozycje loty na uwięzi eventy happeningi nocne pokazy zawody balonowe sprzedaż balonów sprzedaż mini balonów współpracę reklamową Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z pełną ofertą naszej firmy, skorzystania z naszych usług lub polecenia nas znajomym.
www.paytsoftware.comPayt | Accounts receivable management software with a human touch0.109.0BusinessPayt automates debtor management software in the cloud, while maintaining personal contact. Faster payments and more overview. Read how here. - programming news, code and culture0.59.1NewsSince 1997 has published articles about the Perl programming language, its culture and community.
www.pharmaseal.coReimagine clinical trial management with Engility® CTMS eTMF - PHARMASEAL0.129.0BusinessDiscover Engility® the cloud Clinical Trial Management System and integrated electronic trial master file CTMS eTMF
www.playtika.comPlaytika - Infinite Ways to Play0.125.7BusinessDiscover how Playtika blends art and science to create engaging experiences for millions worldwide, setting the standard for gaming brands and companies. - Website Testing and Site Mapping Tools0.128.2BusinessPowerMapper Software makes simple tools for website mapping and testing web sites for accessibility, broken links, browser compatibility and errors.
www.psychedelicsdaily.comUsing Psychedelics Daily for a happy & healthy life0.136.2Nonprofit, News, HealthcareProviding high-quality, accurate research on the benefits and risks of psychedelic drug use. From articles on microdosing to in-depth guides on psilocybin therapy, we strive to be your trusted partner in exploring the world of psychedelics. Stay informed and educated with Psychedelics Daily. — carnet d'Antoine0.111.3Blog, PersonalCarnet web d'Antoine, dédié principalement aux questions de publication (numérique). Veille aléatoire et articles.
www.raku-lang.irRaku Programming Language0.115.4ProjectRaku Programming Language
www.raxfinance.nlHome | Rax Finance0.126.0BusinessWat goed is, kan snel Rax Finance financiert vastgoed voor ontwikkelaars en beleggers. Omdat wij financieringen beoordelen als ondernemers, willen wij je plannen begrijpen. Die kunnen dan snel en goed door ons worden gefinancierd. Ik wil lenen Wat financieren wij Financieringen vanaf EUR 1 miljoen Alle vastgoedsegmenten; alleen Nederlands vastgoed Beleggingen, overbruggingen, projecten en bouw Rechtstreeks en via intermediairs Snel duidelijkheid over uw aanvraag en uw geld is snel beschikbaar Eigen mandaat dus geen verrassingen; funding altijd beschikbaar Hoe vraag ik een lening aan?
www.revenue.healthHealthcare Revenue Cycle Management & Administration | Revenue Acceleration LLC0.80.0BusinessOur Executive Team brings together decades of experience in Revenue Cycle Management & Healthcare Administration - to provide you with the best way to get paid! - your online source for Rollerblading Media0.138.0News
www.sciencewithme.comScience With Me0.75.1BusinessHere are some Cool Science Experiments that your Kids can do at home! Learn fascinating science technology facts by experimenting with various materials that react in surprising ways. | SeARCH0.126.0BusinessWe build with nature - the most essential and generous element. Our projects are conceived as landscapes - without boundaries, endless and open. As Dutch architects, we are well aware of the scarcity of land and believe strongly in using this resource more intelligently in order to give ’nature’ more space to survive. We are pioneers of the timber revolution; we create healthy, innovative, modular architecture.
www.smartsupp.comSmartsupp | Increase sales with Live chat, Chatbot and AI tools0.111.3BusinessPower up your business and boost your online sales through conversations. We help turn visitors into loyal customers.
www.springtijarchitecten.nlHome | Springtij Architecten0.126.0Business
www.srvrlss.ioCompare Serverless Cloud Providers | News & Guides | srvrlss0.121.1DirectoryIndustry overview of serverless providers and products in 2024. Compare technical specs, stay up to date, and learn from our step-by-step guides with srvrlss.
www.themes.devThe best Tailwind CSS Themes and Components0.83.1BusinessHandcrafted, free and premium Tailwind CSS themes and components.
www.thenewdynamic.comThe New Dynamic0.105.0Business KLINIKA Sulewscy – Turbosprężarki – Regeneracja, diagnostyka i naprawa, warsztat samochodowy.0.135.0BusinessStrona główna
www.ubuntu-fr.orgUbuntu-fr | Accueil0.135.0ProjectUbuntu-fr - Communauté francophone d'utilisateurs d'Ubuntu. Religion0.63.2NonprofitUnderstanding Religion is a website that aims to provide easy access to information about the study of religion, published by the Online Centre for Religious Studies. Always free, written clearly for a wide audience, grounded in academic study and supported by references for those who want to dive deeper.
www.usecue.comWebsite performance expert from Amsterdam | Usecue web development0.126.0Blog, BusinessI build and host blazing fast websites and web applications. Interested?
www.vegard.netVegard Skjefstad0.138.0Blog, PersonalThe virtual home of Vegard Skjefstad
www.veriphor.comVeriphor0.139.0BusinessVeriphor, based in Seattle, provides software development and consulting services.
www.visitparisregion.comVisitParisRegion - Site officiel du tourisme à Paris Ile-de-France | VisitParisRegion0.34BusinessToutes les informations pratiques pour organiser votre voyage et votre séjour à Paris Île-de-France. Découvrez les monuments à Paris, événements incontournables, lieux shopping, sorties.
www.visualcinnamon.comAn Award-winning Data Visualization Designer | Visual Cinnamon0.122.0BusinessVisual Cinnamon | Data Visualization Design & Data Art | Data made insightful, effective & beautiful through data visualization and data art
www.vitalcontrol.deUrban GmbH0.138.0Documentation, BusinessUrban VitalControl Mehr erfahren Dokumentation Management der Tiergesundheit auf höchstem Niveau! Reduzieren Sie die Zettelwirtschaft
www.voitanos.ioVoitanos® - Become an expert developer in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem!0.136.4Business, EducationVoitanos is here to teach web developers how to become experts in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem.
www.wildtechgarden.caHome | Wild Tech ‘Garden’0.136.5Personal, BlogWhere the wild tech grows
www.zooberry.orgZooBerry0.128.0ProjectWelcome to ZooBerry
wz2100.netWarzone 2100: A Free And Open Source Real-Time Strategy Game0.128.0Project
xdeb.orgxdeb.org0.138.0Personal, BlogWelcome to the blog of Fredrik Jonsson, web developer &amp;amp; Linux sysadmin.
yaapb.projektemacher.orgYet another analog photo blog · Yet another analog photo blog0.138.0Blog, PersonalYet another analog photo blog - photograpy with cameras from the flea market.
yanirseroussi.comYanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact0.138.0Blog, PersonalHelping climate & nature tech startups ship data-intensive solutions (artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, and advanced analytics).
yearofthesunrise.comYear of the Sunrise • Daily sunrise photos since January 1, 20190.138.0Personal, PhotographyI have photographed every sunrise since January 1, 2019. There have been -35º windchills, downpours, thunderstorms, and blizzards, but no matter how gray the day, the sun still rises.
yummyrecipes.ukYummy Recipes UK – Nut-Free Cooking & Baking0.135.0Personal, BlogNut-Free Cooking & Baking
zellij.devZellij0.82.0ProjectA terminal workspace with batteries included