Hugo Sites

Updated May 19, 2024

Project sites

Number of sites: 118

agriculturaljusticeproject.orgToolkit | AJP Toolkit0.124.1Project, DocumentationWelcome to our toolkit! # The AJP Toolkit collects guidance and resources to help you build a business and workplace that’s fair and accountable to workers, small-scale farmers, and communities. This toolkit began as a set of resources to help farms and ranches meet the AJP’s Food Justice Certification standards, and we are updating and expanding these resources to better help farmworkers, food chain workers, food business employers, nonprofit employers, and all buyers of farm products, regardless of whether you’re pursuing Food Justice Certification.
airflow.apache.orgApache Airflow0.91.2ProjectPlatform created by the community to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows.
buildpacks.ioCloud Native Buildpacks · Cloud Native Buildpacks0.125.1ProjectCloud Native Buildpacks transform your application source code into images that can run on any cloud.
cdevents.devCDEvents0.89.4Documentation, ProjectA common specification for Continuous Delivery events
cdk8s.iocdk8s0.68.3ProjectDefine Kubernetes apps and components using familiar languages
choco-solver.orgChoco-solver0.104.3Project, DocumentationA Java library for Constraint Programming
cloudevents.ioCloudEvents |0.60.0Project
cloudforet.ioCloudforet | Open Source Multi-cloud Management Platform0.120.4Documentation, ProjectManage multi-cloud environments and your all cloud resources & cost in a single platform that offers support for AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and more.
clusternet.ioClusternet0.82.1Documentation, ProjectClusternet website
cnab.ioCNAB: Cloud Native Application Bundles0.40.3ProjectCloud Native Application Bundles facilitate the bundling, installing and managing of container-native apps — and their coupled services.
containerd.iocontainerd – An industry-standard container runtime with an emphasis on simplicity, robustness and portability0.111.3Documentation, ProjectAn industry-standard container runtime with an emphasis on simplicity, robustness, and portability
coredns.ioCoreDNS: DNS and Service Discovery0.85.0Documentation, Project
cuelang.orgCUE0.124.0Documentation, ProjectValidate and define text-based and dynamic configuration
devdocs.prestashop-project.orgPrestaShop Developer Documentation0.121.1Project, DocumentationLearn how to extend, modify and test PrestaShop, create modules, themes, and more.
developer.gimp.orgGIMP Developer - GIMP Development0.125.7Documentation, Project
dexidp.io0.124.1ProjectFederate Identity Provider
diapraesentation.projektemacher.orgDiapräsentation0.126.0Blog, ProjectDiaprojektor statt PowerPoint
docs.crossplane.iomap[dest:/v1.15/]0.119.0Documentation, Project
docs.gomplate.cagomplate - gomplate documentation0.111.3Documentation, Projectgomplate documentation
dubbo.apache.orgApache Dubbo0.122.0Project, DocumentationApache Dubbo Official Website
etcd.ioetcd0.125.6Documentation, ProjectA distributed, reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system Learn more Quickstart What is etcd? etcd is a strongly consistent, distributed key-value store that provides a reliable way to store data that needs to be accessed by a distributed system or cluster of machines. It gracefully handles leader elections during network partitions and can tolerate machine failure, even in the leader node. Learn more Features Simple interface Read and write values using standard HTTP tools, such as curl
falco.orgFalco0.108.0Documentation, ProjectRuntime Security
fission.ioFission0.119.0Documentation, ProjectFast Opensource Kubernetes Serverless Framework
fluxcd.ioFlux0.122.0Documentation, ProjectFlux is a set of continuous and progressive delivery solutions for Kubernetes, and they are open and extensible. The APIs of Flux are stable now.
getbootstrap.comBootstrap · The most popular HTML, CSS, and JS library in the world.0.122.0Documentation, ProjectHighPowerful, extensible, and feature-packed frontend toolkit. Build and customize with Sass, utilize prebuilt grid system and components, and bring projects to life with powerful JavaScript plugins.
gethue.comHue - The open source SQL Assistant for Data Warehouses0.62.0Project
gocloud.devGo CDK0.91.2Documentation, ProjectHigh
goharbor.ioHarbor0.74.0Documentation, ProjectOur mission is to be the trusted cloud native repository for Kubernetes
gohugo.ioThe world’s fastest framework for building websites | Hugo0.126.0Documentation, ProjectHighThe world’s fastest framework for building websites
graphviz.orgGraphviz0.124.1Documentation, ProjectGraph Visualization Software
grass.osgeo.orgGRASS GIS - Bringing advanced geospatial technologies to the world0.80.0Project, DocumentationGRASS GIS is a free Geographic Information System (GIS) software used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps production, spatial modeling, and visualization.
helm.shHelm0.94.0ProjectHelm - The Kubernetes Package Manager.
hugegraph.apache.orgHugeGraph0.102.3Documentation, ProjectApache HugeGraph site
Icons.wheniwork.comWhen I Work Icons · WIW Icons0.111.3ProjectWIW Icons
in-toto.ioin-toto | A framework to secure the integrity of software supply chains0.111.3Project
ipfs.eth.linkIPFS is the Distributed Web0.57.2ProjectThe InterPlanetary File System is a peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol designed to make the web faster, safer, and more open.
istio.ioIstio0.125.1ProjectA service mesh for observability, security in depth, and management that speeds deployment cycles.
javaalmanac.ioThe Java Version Almanac - javaalmanac.io0.126.0ProjectSystematic collection of information about the history and the future of Java.
jdbc.postgresql.orgHome | pgJDBC0.120.4Project
jenkins-x.ioJenkins X - Cloud Native CI/CD Built On Kubernetes0.101.0Documentation, ProjectDocumentation, guides and support for Jenkins X
jvmperf.netjvmperf: Java Performance Workshop0.120.4ProjectJava performance workshop that leverages open-source tooling to discover how your JVM is performing.
kde.orgHome - KDE Community0.110.0ProjectHighKDE is an open community of friendly people who want to create a world in which everyone has control over their digital life and enjoys freedom and privacy.
keda.shKEDA | Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling0.93.2ProjectApplication autoscaling made simple
kernelci.orgKernelCI0.80.0Documentation, ProjectThe upstream Linux kernel test project
kopia.ioKopia0.113.0Project, DocumentationFast and Secure Open-Source Backup Software for Windows, Mac, and Linux
krustlet.devKrustlet0.58.3Documentation, ProjectKubernetes Kubelet in Rust for running WASM
kube-vip.ioDocumentation | kube-vip0.88.1Documentation, Project
kubernetes.ioKubernetes0.121.2Documentation, ProjectHighProduction-Grade Container Orchestration
kubesphere.ioOpen Source Enterprise Kubernetes Platform | KubeSphere0.118.2Project, DocumentationAn open source Kubernetes Platform to manage enterprise-grade Kubernetes across hybrid cloud, multi-cloud and edge. Get started for free!
linkerd.ioThe world's most advanced service mesh. | Linkerd0.121.2ProjectLinkerd adds critical security, observability, and reliability to your Kubernetes stack, without any code changes.
longhorn.ioLonghorn0.65.3ProjectCloud native distributed block storage for Kubernetes
luraproject.orgThe Lura Project0.98.0ProjectAn extendable, simple and **stateless high-performance API Gateway framework** designed for both cloud-native and on-prem setups📺M3UPT🇵🇹0.126.0ProjectM3UPT # Lista de IPTV gratuita e legal em formato M3U com canais de 📺 TV e estações de 📻 rádio em 🇵🇹 Português.
mailcow.emailmailcow: dockerized - Blog0.124.1ProjectThe mailserver suite with the 'moo' – 🐮 + 🐋 = 💕 | Official Blog Page
mapping-crimes-against-rohingya.amnesty.orgMapping Myanmar’s Atrocities Against Rohingya0.40.3Project, NonprofitThis new platform created by Amnesty International and SITU Research visualizes how Myanmar’s military committed crimes against humanity against the Rohingya population in northern Rakhine State since 25 August 2017.
memcached.orgmemcached - a distributed memory object caching system0.55.1ProjectHighmemcached
mobile-platform.leroymerlin.frMobile Platform | Build your own mobile platform0.58.3ProjectBuild your own mobile platform
monal-im.orgMonal0.125.2ProjectMonal IM -
monkiprojects.comHome | Monki Projects0.82.0ProjectMaking apps and tools for the parkour — an urban sport — community. – Cloud Native, Open Source, High-performance Messaging0.80.0ProjectNATS is a connective technology powering modern distributed systems, unifying Cloud, On-Premise, Edge, and IoT.
novendecameron.ramures.orgLe Novendécaméron — Ramures0.85.0Project
ocul.on.caHistorical Topographic Map Digitization Project0.110.0Project
opencolorio.orgOpenColorIO0.111.3ProjectOpen Source Color Management
openmetrics.ioThe OpenMetrics project — Creating a standard for exposing metrics data0.46Project
openservicemesh.ioOpen Service Mesh0.58.3Documentation, ProjectOpen Service Mesh (OSM) is a lightweight, extensible, Cloud Native service mesh
opentelemetry.ioOpenTelemetry0.125.7Documentation, ProjectHigh-quality, ubiquitous, and portable telemetry to enable effective observability
ortelius.ioOrtelius0.111.0Documentation, ProjectWelcome to the Ortelius Open Source Project Site
pictoselector.euWelcome | Picto-Selector0.109.0ProjectPicto-Selector is a windows application for creating visual schedules. Picto-Selector is free, so everyone can start using visual schedules.
porter.shPorter0.117.0ProjectA Friendly Cloud Installer for Cloud Native Application Bundles
postgis.netPostGIS0.97.3Documentation, Project
pypyr.iotask-runner for automation pipelines defined in yaml | pypyr0.124.1Documentation, Projectpypyr is a task-runner CLI & API with straightforward yaml pipelines. Free & open-source. Agentless task automation.
rclone.orgRclone0.122.0ProjectRclone syncs your files to cloud storage: Google Drive, S3, Swift, Dropbox, Google Cloud Storage, Azure, Box and many more.
scientific-python.orgScientific Python -0.125.4Documentation, ProjectCommunity developed and owned ecosystem for scientific computing
scipy.orgSciPy -0.125.4ProjectWhy SciPy? Fundamental algorithms. Broadly applicable. Foundational. Interoperable. Performant. Open source.
sdk.operatorframework.ioOperator SDK0.73.0Documentation, ProjectGo, Ansible, or Helm SDK to simplify the implementation of the operator pattern
shardingsphere.apache.orgOverview :: ShardingSphere0.83.1Documentation, ProjectApache ShardingSphere Document
shipwright.ioShipwright0.99.1Documentation, ProjectA framework for building container images on Kubernetes
skia.orgSkia0.91.0Project2D Graphics Library
smi-spec.ioSMI | A standard interface for service meshes on Kubernetes0.67.0ProjectA standard interface for service meshes on Kubernetes
softorage.comSoftorage | The Software Directory.0.125.3ProjectSoftorage is a software directory designed as a secure download service and information resource, with a focus on safety & respecting user privacy.
sos.devSOS Rewards0.86.1Project
spiffe.ioSPIFFE – Secure Production Identity Framework for Everyone0.68.3Documentation, Project
spinnaker.ioSpinnaker0.74.2Documentation, ProjectMulti-cloud continuous delivery for the enterprise
sqlitebrowser.orgDB Browser for SQLite0.111.3Project Submariner k8s project documentation website0.71.0Documentation, ProjectDocumentation website for the Submariner project
tekton.devTekton0.107.0Documentation, ProjectCloud Native CI/CD
thanos.ioThanos - Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities0.101.0Documentation, ProjectThanos - Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities
thegooddocsproject.devThe Good Docs Project0.107.0Documentation, ProjectTemplates to make good docs.
theupdateframework.ioThe Update Framework0.60.0Documentation, ProjectA framework for securing software update systems
tikv.orgTiKV | TiKV is a highly scalable, low latency, and easy to use <br/> key-value database.0.66.0Documentation, ProjectTiKV is a highly scalable, low latency, and easy to use key-value database.
tinkerbell.orgTinkerbell0.120.4ProjectDesigned for scalable provisioning of physical hardware, Tinkerbell is both open-source and cloud native. Contributed to the CNCF by Equinix Metal. umoci0.85.0Documentation, ProjectDocumentation for umoci -- a tool for modifying OCI images.
verity.gumgum.comVerity-Portal0.94.2Business, ProjectVerity portal application
virtual-kubelet.ioVirtual Kubelet | Home0.55.0Documentation, ProjectVirtual Kubelet is an open-source Kubernetes kubelet implementation that masquerades as a kubelet
vitess.ioVitess | Scalable. Reliable. MySQL-compatible. Cloud-native. Database.0.96.0Documentation, Project
www.docsy.devDocsy0.125.4Project, DocumentationA Hugo theme for creating great technical documentation sites
www.freebsd.orgThe FreeBSD Project0.115.4Documentation, ProjectHighFreeBSD is an operating system used to power modern servers, desktops, and embedded platforms.
www.gnuradio.orgGNU Radio0.124.1Project
www.jaegertracing.ioJaeger: open source, distributed tracing platform0.123.6Documentation, ProjectMonitor and troubleshoot workflows in complex distributed systems
www.kicad.orgKiCad EDA - Schematic Capture & PCB Design Software0.106.0ProjectA Cross Platform and Open Source Electronics Design Automation Suite
www.kubeflow.orgKubeflow0.124.1Documentation, ProjectKubeflow makes deployment of ML Workflows on Kubernetes straightforward and automated
www.linuxboot.org0.116.1ProjectLinux as Firmware Tired of reinventing the wheel by implementing drivers for firmware again and again? Not with LinuxBoot! What? LinuxBoot is a firmware for modern servers that replaces specific firmware functionality like the UEFI DXE phase with a Linux kernel and runtime. It started as NERF in January 2017 at Google. LinuxBoot is a Linux Foundation project and as such has a technical charter. Why? Improves boot reliability by replacing lightly-tested firmware drivers with hardened Linux drivers.
www.navidrome.orgNavidrome0.121.1Documentation, ProjectPersonal Music Streamer
www.ntp.orgWelcome to the home of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) Project.0.83.1ProjectThe NTP Project conducts Research and Development in NTP, a protocol designed to synchronize the clocks of computers over a network to a common timebase.
www.opencue.ioOpenCue0.63.2Documentation, ProjectOpenCue is an open source render management system.
www.openpolicyagent.orgOpen Policy Agent0.113.0Documentation, ProjectPolicy-based control for cloud native environments
www.raku-lang.irRaku Programming Language0.115.4ProjectRaku Programming Language
www.selenium.devSelenium0.125.4Documentation, ProjectHighSelenium automates browsers. That's it! What you do with that power is entirely up to you. Primarily it is for automating web applications for testing purposes, but is certainly not limited to just that. Boring web-based administration tasks can (and should) also be automated as well. Getting Started Selenium WebDriver Selenium WebDriver If you want to create robust, browser-based regression automation suites and tests, scale and distribute scripts across many environments, then you want to use Selenium WebDriver, a collection of language specific bindings to drive a browser - the way it is meant to be driven.
www.ubuntu-fr.orgUbuntu-fr | Accueil0.125.7ProjectUbuntu-fr - Communauté francophone d'utilisateurs d'Ubuntu.
www.zooberry.orgZooBerry | ZooBerry.org0.115.0ProjectHi, welcome to ZooBerry! We are a Zoo Tycoon mod-hosting platform dedicated to archiving mods from legacy Zoo Tycoon websites that are no longer active. We also host mods for current modders. Find out more in the about section.
wz2100.netWarzone 2100: A Free And Open Source Real-Time Strategy Game0.71.1Project
zellij.devZellij0.82.0ProjectA terminal workspace with batteries included