Hugo Sites

Updated Dec 16, 2024

Nonprofit / NGO sites

Number of sites: 25

HostTitleVersionTypesVisibilityDescription · The Original Home of the Book of Concord0.92.1NonprofitThe Original Home of the Book of Concord
c2pa.orgOverview - C2PA0.82.1NonprofitAn open technical standard providing publishers, creators, and consumers the ability to trace the origin of different types of media.
community.apache.orgApache Community Development - ASF Community Development - Welcome0.111.3NonprofitThe Community Development project creates and provides tools, processes, and advice to help open-source software projects improve their own community health.
inclusivenaming.orgInclusive Naming Initiative0.111.3Nonprofit
letsencrypt.orgLet's Encrypt0.128.2NonprofitHighLet's Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority brought to you by the nonprofit Internet Security Research Group (ISRG). Read all about our nonprofit work this year in our 2023 Annual Report.
locallondon.lifeLocal London · A directory of London based food and drink makers. Support your community by shopping local and sustainably.0.126.1NonprofitA directory of London based food and drink makers. Support your community by shopping local and sustainably.
mapping-crimes-against-rohingya.amnesty.orgMapping Myanmar’s Atrocities Against Rohingya0.40.3Project, NonprofitThis new platform created by Amnesty International and SITU Research visualizes how Myanmar’s military committed crimes against humanity against the Rohingya population in northern Rakhine State since 25 August 2017.
moodlebox.netMoodleBox0.136.0NonprofitMoodleBox is a standalone small and cheap mobile device working without Internet. It combines a wireless access point with a full featured Moodle server.
ocrs.onlineThe Online Centre for Religious Studies0.65.3NonprofitThe OCRS is dedicated to promoting and facilitating the academic study of religion for a wide and diverse audience - that means you!
opencontainers.orgOpen Container Initiative - Open Container Initiative0.115.1Nonprofit
openpowerfoundation.orgHome - OpenPOWER Foundation0.111.3Nonprofit
osqa-ask.wireshark.orgWireshark Q&A0.81.0Nonprofit | The UK Outdoor Activities Guide0.134.2NonprofitWant a REAL Outdoor Adventure? We Handpick and List Quality Outdoor Activities in the UK. Find Something to do Near You.
shockwave.orgShockwave Foundation - Shockwave Foundation0.134.2NonprofitThe Shockwave Foundation for Climate Adaptation and Resilience funds projects and programs to help communities adapt, survive, and thrive in the face of climate change.
todogroup.orgTODO Group // Talk openly, develop openly0.126.1NonprofitThis file is used to pass params to the index/home.
www.arin.netAmerican Registry for Internet Numbers0.121.0NonprofitARIN is a nonprofit, member-based organization that administers IP addresses & ASNs in support of the operation and growth of the Internet.
www.bypasscensorship.orgBypassCensorship0.126.0NonprofitMillions of people are affected by online censorship across the globe, and the numbers continue to rise. We find and promote tools that provide Internet access to …
www.crossref.orgYou are Crossref - Crossref0.125.4NonprofitCrossref runs open infrastructure to link research objects, entities, and actions, creating a lasting and reusable scholarly record. As a not-for-profit with over 20,000 members in 160 countries, we drive metadata exchange and support nearly 2 billion monthly API queries, facilitating global research communication. – Nutze Dein Recht auf Datenschutz.0.88.1NonprofitDank der DSGVO hast Du viele Datenschutz-Rechte. Wir wollen Dir helfen, diese zu nutzen. Stelle DSGVO-Anfragen an zahlreiche Unternehmen und lerne mehr über die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung und Datenschutz.
www.documentfoundation.orgThe Document Foundation - The House of LibreOffice and Document Liberation Project — The Document Foundation0.111.3NonprofitLibreOffice is a free office suite
www.eclipse.orgThe Community for Open Collaboration and Innovation | The Eclipse Foundation0.110.0NonprofitHighThe Eclipse Foundation provides our global community of individuals and organisations with a mature, scalable, and business-friendly environment for open source …
www.isc.orgISC - ISC0.121.1NonprofitOpen source software information, blogs, events, downloads and support
www.nabig.deNachhaltiges Bauen in Ghana e. V.0.134.1NonprofitUnser interdisziplinär-interkulturelles Team setzt sich für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung im Baubereich in Ghana ein.
www.psychedelicsdaily.comUsing Psychedelics Daily for a happy & healthy life0.136.2Nonprofit, News, HealthcareProviding high-quality, accurate research on the benefits and risks of psychedelic drug use. From articles on microdosing to in-depth guides on psilocybin therapy, we strive to be your trusted partner in exploring the world of psychedelics. Stay informed and educated with Psychedelics Daily. Religion0.63.2NonprofitUnderstanding Religion is a website that aims to provide easy access to information about the study of religion, published by the Online Centre for Religious Studies. Always free, written clearly for a wide audience, grounded in academic study and supported by references for those who want to dive deeper.