Hugo Sites

Updated Dec 16, 2024

Documentation sites

Number of sites: 77

agriculturaljusticeproject.orgToolkit | AJP Toolkit0.134.1Project, DocumentationWelcome to our toolkit! # The AJP Toolkit collects guidance and resources to help you build a business and workplace that’s fair and accountable to workers, small-scale farmers, and communities. This toolkit began as a set of resources to help farms and ranches meet the AJP’s Food Justice Certification standards, and we are updating and expanding these resources to better help farmworkers, food chain workers, food business employers, nonprofit employers, and all buyers of farm products, regardless of whether you’re pursuing Food Justice Certification. These resources are also of interest to educators, advocacy organizations, and community members working for a more just food system.
cdevents.devCDEvents0.89.4Documentation, ProjectA common specification for Continuous Delivery events
choco-solver.orgChoco-solver0.124.1Project, DocumentationThe most popular HTML, CSS, and JS library in the world.
cloudforet.ioCloudforet | Open Source Multi-cloud Management Platform0.120.4Documentation, ProjectManage multi-cloud environments and your all cloud resources & cost in a single platform that offers support for AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and more.
clusternet.ioClusternet0.82.1Documentation, ProjectClusternet website
containerd.iocontainerd – An industry-standard container runtime with an emphasis on simplicity, robustness and portability0.111.3Documentation, ProjectAn industry-standard container runtime with an emphasis on simplicity, robustness, and portability
coredns.ioCoreDNS: DNS and Service Discovery0.85.0Documentation, Project
cuelang.orgCUE0.128.2Documentation, ProjectConfigure Unify Execute Validate, define, and use dynamic and text‑based data Learn more Get started with CUE CUE makes it easy to validate data, write schemas, and ensure configurations align with policies. Get started learning about CUE with these links .. Let's begin Introduction Take a tour Language Tour Download and install Install GitHub Infinite possibilities CUE is an open source language, with a rich set of APIs and tooling, for defining, generating, and validating all kinds of data: configuration, APIs, database schemas, code, .
devdocs.prestashop-project.orgPrestaShop Developer Documentation0.121.1Project, DocumentationLearn how to extend, modify and test PrestaShop, create modules, themes, and more.
developer.gettyimages.comGetty Images API | Documentation, SDK & Sample Code | Getty Images API0.92.1Business, DocumentationDeveloper resources for the Getty Images API including SDK, documentation, release notes, status, notifications and sample code.
developer.gimp.orgGIMP Developer - GIMP Development0.131.0Documentation, Project
developers.whmcs.comWHMCS Developer Documentation0.17Business, DocumentationWHMCS developer documentation - themes, modules, hooks, oauth, api and more...
developers.xsolla.comXsolla Documentation - Explore our guides and references.0.117.0Business, DocumentationFollow our developer documentation to integrate Xsolla products step-by-step or customize your solution with our APIs.
dgraph.ioDgraph Cloud - Cloud0.91.0Business, Documentation docs0.127.0Business, DocumentationAgilebase documentation Learn More Main Website Agilebase is a no-code platform for CRM systems and other back office applications Agilebase works across the three phases of an organization's development; startup, scaleup and growth. Why no code? “The burgeoning low-code/no-code market is exploding with innovation, driving unprecedented value for customers while confusing industry analysts.” Jason Bloomberg, Forbes What can be built? We’ve customers across a wide range of industries, of very different sizes.
docs.bitnami.comBitnami Documentation0.80.0Business, Documentation
docs.crossplane.iomap[dest:/v1.18/]0.119.0Documentation, Project
docs.datadoghq.comDatadog Docs0.126.0Business, DocumentationDatadog, the leading service for cloud-scale monitoring.
docs.digitalocean.comDocs Home :: DigitalOcean Documentation0.119.0Business, DocumentationHighInformation on DigitalOcean product features, pricing, availability, and limits; how to use products from the control panel; how to manage your account, teams, and billing; and platform details, release notes, and product policies.
docs.docker.comDocker Docs0.139.0DocumentationHighDocker Documentation is the official Docker library of resources, manuals, and guides to help you containerize applications.
docs.gomplate.cagomplate - gomplate documentation0.128.0Documentation, Project
docs.pachyderm.comPachyderm Docs0.127.0Documentation, Business
docs.redis.comRedis products | Docs0.111.2Business, DocumentationOperate any Redis, from Redis Enterprise to Redis Cloud
dubbo.apache.orgApache Dubbo0.134.2Project, DocumentationA Cloud-Native Microservice Framework Build apps with built-in rpc, traffic management, security, observability support that can deploy on kubernetes and vm.
etcd.ioetcd0.138.0Documentation, ProjectA distributed, reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system Learn more Quickstart What is etcd? etcd is a strongly consistent, distributed key-value store that provides a reliable way to store data that needs to be accessed by a distributed system or cluster of machines. It gracefully handles leader elections during network partitions and can tolerate machine failure, even in the leader node. Learn more
falco.orgFalco0.108.0Documentation, ProjectRuntime Security
fission.ioFission0.134.2Documentation, ProjectFast Opensource Kubernetes Serverless Framework
fluxcd.ioFlux0.122.0Documentation, ProjectFlux is a set of continuous and progressive delivery solutions for Kubernetes, and they are open and extensible. The APIs of Flux are stable now.
getbootstrap.comBootstrap · The most popular HTML, CSS, and JS library in the world.0.122.0Documentation, ProjectHighPowerful, extensible, and feature-packed frontend toolkit. Build and customize with Sass, utilize prebuilt grid system and components, and bring projects to life with powerful JavaScript plugins.
glossary.cncf.ioCloud Native Glossary0.122.0DocumentationThe CNCF Cloud Native Glossary Project is intended to be used as a reference for common terms used when talking about cloud native applications.
gocloud.devGo CDK0.91.2Documentation, ProjectHigh
goharbor.ioHarbor0.74.0Documentation, ProjectOur mission is to be the trusted cloud native repository for Kubernetes
gohugo.ioThe world’s fastest framework for building websites | Hugo0.139.0Documentation, ProjectHighThe world’s fastest framework for building websites
graphviz.orgGraphviz0.134.2Documentation, ProjectPlease join the Graphviz forum to ask questions and discuss Graphviz. What is Graphviz? Graphviz is open source graph visualization software. Graph visualization is a way of representing structural information as diagrams of abstract graphs and networks. It has important applications in networking, bioinformatics, software engineering, database and web design, machine learning, and in visual interfaces for other technical domains.
grass.osgeo.org0.113.0Project, DocumentationGRASS GIS is a powerful engine for raster, vector, and geospatial processing, enabling advanced modeling, data management, imagery processing, and time series analysis with a Python API, optimized for large-scale analysis.
grpc.iogRPC0.99.1Business, DocumentationA high-performance, open source universal RPC framework
handbook.giantswarm.ioGiant Swarm Handbook0.121.0Documentation
help.ampio.comAmpio - Knowledge Base0.87.0Business, Documentation
hugegraph.apache.orgHugeGraph0.102.3Documentation, ProjectApache HugeGraph site
jenkins-x.ioJenkins X - Cloud Native CI/CD Built On Kubernetes0.101.0Documentation, ProjectDocumentation, guides and support for Jenkins X
kopia.ioKopia0.113.0Project, DocumentationFast and Secure Open-Source Backup Software for Windows, Mac, and Linux
krustlet.devKrustlet0.58.3Documentation, ProjectKubernetes Kubelet in Rust for running WASM
kube-vip.ioDocumentation | kube-vip0.88.1Documentation, Project
kubernetes.ioKubernetes0.133.0Documentation, ProjectHighKubernetes, also known as K8s, is an open source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery. Kubernetes builds upon 15 years of experience of running production workloads at Google, combined with best-of-breed ideas and practices from the community. Planet Scale Designed on the same principles that allow Google to run billions of containers a week, Kubernetes can scale without increasing your operations team.
kubesphere.ioOpen Source Enterprise Kubernetes Platform | KubeSphere0.127.0Project, DocumentationAn open source Kubernetes Platform to manage enterprise-grade Kubernetes across hybrid cloud, multi-cloud and edge. Get started for free!
learn.arm.comHome | Arm Learning Paths0.130.0Business, DocumentationTutorials with code examples, created by the Arm ecosystem to develop better code faster across all platforms: Servers, phones, laptops, embedded devices, and microcontrollers.
openservicemesh.ioOpen Service Mesh0.58.3Documentation, ProjectOpen Service Mesh (OSM) is a lightweight, extensible, Cloud Native service mesh
opentelemetry.ioOpenTelemetry0.138.0Documentation, ProjectHigh-quality, ubiquitous, and portable telemetry to enable effective observability
ortelius.ioOrtelius0.111.0Documentation, ProjectWelcome to the Ortelius Open Source Project Site
postgis.netPostGIS0.97.3Documentation, Project
purelb.gitlab.ioPureLB :: PureLB0.80.0Documentation, ProjectPureLB is a lightweight Kubernetes Service LoadBalancer for non-cloud deployments. It provides external access to your application, using Linux networking to add addresses to Network Interface Cards (enabling access from the local network) or to virtual interfaces (so the address can be distributed to routers).
pypyr.iotask-runner for automation pipelines defined in yaml0.126.1Documentation, Projectpypyr is a task-runner CLI & API with straightforward yaml pipelines. Free & open-source. Agentless task automation.
qdrant.techQdrant - Vector Database - Qdrant0.123.0Business, DocumentationQdrant is an Open-Source Vector Database and Vector Search Engine written in Rust. It provides fast and scalable vector similarity search service with convenient API.
scientific-python.orgScientific Python -0.134.3Documentation, ProjectSPECs Scientific Python Ecosystem Coordination documents are a mechanism by which practices are discussed and propagated throughout the ecosystem. Summits At the summits, we get together both virtually and in-person to plan and do ecosystem work. Development Guide Read this community-maintained guide to learn best practices for library development. Lecture Notes Learn or teach how to use the scientific Python ecosystem with classroom-style lecture notes. Sparse Arrays One of our current focuses is on improving and maintaining the sparse array capabilities and interoperability in the ecosystem. Community Our community efforts focus on broadening participation and better coordinating volunteer efforts.
sdk.operatorframework.ioOperator SDK0.73.0Documentation, ProjectGo, Ansible, or Helm SDK to simplify the implementation of the operator pattern
shardingsphere.apache.orgOverview :: ShardingSphere0.83.1Documentation, ProjectApache ShardingSphere Document
shipwright.ioShipwright0.113.0Documentation, ProjectA framework for building container images on Kubernetes
spiffe.ioSPIFFE – Secure Production Identity Framework for Everyone0.68.3Documentation, Project
spinnaker.ioSpinnaker0.74.2Documentation, ProjectMulti-cloud continuous delivery for the enterprise Submariner k8s project documentation website0.71.0Documentation, ProjectDocumentation website for the Submariner project
tekton.devTekton0.107.0Documentation, ProjectCloud Native CI/CD
thanos.ioThanos - Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities0.101.0Documentation, ProjectThanos - Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities
theupdateframework.ioTUF0.133.0Documentation, ProjectA framework for securing software update systems
tikv.orgTiKV | TiKV is a highly scalable, low latency, and easy to use <br/> key-value database.0.66.0Documentation, ProjectTiKV is a highly scalable, low latency, and easy to use key-value database.
trunkbaseddevelopment.comIntroduction0.85.0DocumentationA portal on this practice umoci0.85.0Documentation, ProjectDocumentation for umoci -- a tool for modifying OCI images.
virtual-kubelet.ioVirtual Kubelet | Home0.55.0Documentation, ProjectVirtual Kubelet is an open-source Kubernetes kubelet implementation that masquerades as a kubelet
vitess.ioVitess | Scalable. Reliable. MySQL-compatible. Cloud-native. Database.0.96.0Documentation, Project
www.docsy.devDocsy0.138.0Project, DocumentationA Hugo theme for creating great technical documentation sites
www.freebsd.orgThe FreeBSD Project0.133.0Documentation, ProjectHighFreeBSD is an operating system used to power modern servers, desktops, and embedded platforms.
www.jaegertracing.ioJaeger: open source, distributed tracing platform0.123.6Documentation, ProjectMonitor and troubleshoot workflows in complex distributed systems
www.kubeflow.orgKubeflow0.124.1Documentation, ProjectKubeflow makes deployment of ML Workflows on Kubernetes straightforward and automated
www.navidrome.orgNavidrome0.121.1Documentation, ProjectPersonal Music Streamer
www.opencue.ioOpenCue0.63.2Documentation, ProjectOpenCue is an open source render management system.
www.openpolicyagent.orgOpen Policy Agent0.113.0Documentation, ProjectPolicy-based control for cloud native environments
www.selenium.devSelenium0.125.4Documentation, ProjectHighSelenium automates browsers. That's it! What you do with that power is entirely up to you. Primarily it is for automating web applications for testing purposes, but is certainly not limited to just that. Boring web-based administration tasks can (and should) also be automated as well. Getting Started Selenium WebDriver Selenium WebDriver If you want to create robust, browser-based regression automation suites and tests, scale and distribute scripts across many environments, then you want to use Selenium WebDriver, a collection of language specific bindings to drive a browser - the way it is meant to be driven.
www.vitalcontrol.deUrban GmbH0.138.0Documentation, BusinessUrban VitalControl Mehr erfahren Dokumentation Management der Tiergesundheit auf höchstem Niveau! Reduzieren Sie die Zettelwirtschaft